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Kennedy Hall offers semesters all year around with a wide variety of classes to attend and after-school activities such as sports, clubs and events. The application process is the same for every student and you will need to re-apply every semester.


Kennedy Hall is a private institute, founded by the Kennedy Family. The same family that brought the kid community {Heritage Adoptions}. The school has limited amount of seats and will only be accepting a limited amount of students. Once we are full, we will put you on the wait list for next semester and you will have the first spot in the new semester. We do this to prevent lag, over population and to ensure we have the student’s best interest. While we continue to grow, more seats will become available.


Each semester is 6 weeks long, with a two week break between semesters. Tuition must be paid each semester and is done through the Student Body Group. You will receive a group invite each semester with a cost of 800L. Be prepared for the cost because the group will charge you upon accepting the invite.


How to apply to become a student:

  • Be sure to read all of the student handbook before applying, because you will need to find the validation word some where within the handbook.

  • Fill out the online application available on the site. (No in world applications will be accepted)

  • After applications are closed, allow 24/48 hours for further information on being accepted.

  • If you are accepted you will receive the Student Body Group with the tuition fee of 800L. You will also recieve the Kennedy Hall Preparatory group which is for rezz and access rights - this group has no fee. If you are placed on the wait list, you will receive the Kennedy Hall Information Group invite, which has no fee but allows you to stay up to date on the next semesters.

  • The Student Body group as well as the Kennedy Hall Preparatory group will be cleaned out at the end of each semester.


Student Application


Want to be a teacher?

Read this before applying.

Semester Fee & Application Process

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